Monday 2 November 2015

Analysis of magazine advert - Miss Miller

The key purpose of a magazine advert is to promote an artist’s album in order to reach a wider target audience of people who both read the magazine as well as listen to music. It aims to act as a constant reminder of the upcoming album by appearing over a wide media spectrum. It is also used to link in with other advertisements of the album such as record labels or websites to create more marketing for the artist. Finally, it may also be used to link in with any articles within the magazine on the artist such as an interview or published scandal; this can be seen to benefit the magazine as well. The advert is specifically used, however, to develop a presentation of the artist that will appeal to a target audience for the genre; this is achieved by the portrayal of the conventions for the genre alongside features they may relate to the audience. The two adverts that I have chosen to analyse are Examples 'Won't go quietly' album advert and basement jaxx's advert for the album 'Rooty'. Example is very large dance artist giving clear indications of features of which may appeal to the younger audience of the dance genre where as basement jaxx can be seen as an unconventional dance artist, showing us successful ways in which an image is developed within the music industry. Due to the fact that our artist, 'shift key', is not as well known as other dance artists, he was not seen to have a magazine advert. Instead we chose to pick two artists from the genre that would easily demonstrate the characteristic of a magazine advert that were useful when incorporated into our own adverts. 

Example 'Won't go Quietly'

Artist Representation/Image
Throughout this advert Example is presented as a conventional dance artist in order to attract the younger target audience who aspire towards the themes of the genre. He does this by developing his personality, showing it to be outgoing yet relaxed and fun. This presentation is developed through the use of images spread in squares across the advert. It shows multiple mid shots of the artist playing around with numerous props and costumes such as a megaphone, duck tape, a bear costume and an astronauts helmet. This is used alongside different facial expressions in order to develop a humorous representation that corresponds with the fun and outgoing presentation that the artist aims to create. This relates to the conventions of the dance genre as the genre usually includes fun and vibrant, 'feel-good' themes. It also appeals to the target audience of the genre as their age groups of 15-25 usually tend to focus upon the fun and exciting elements of their lifestyles. The artist representation shows the success of the advert as the variety of funny, light hearted mid shots of the artist with random forms of iconography would catch the young audiences attention, appeal to their humorous side and influence them on wanted to gain further insights into his lifestyle and personality.

The colours within the advert could be seen to be utilised in order to develop an image of the artist that again relates to the fun and easy going themes within dance music. This is evident through the use of bright colours such as blue, red and yellow that is incorporated into the artists clothing opposed to the black and white font used within the advert. This could be said to have connotations to the fun personality that he possesses in contrast to the dedication and hard work that he puts into his music that may be conveyed through the reoccurring font he uses when marketing himself. Much like the use of cinematography and mise en scene within the advert, this is also used to develop upon the artist image of a fun and excitement. This again complies to the conventions of the genre as it focuses upon the fun and vibrant concepts within the party atmosphere that the music often develops. This means that the use of colours again helps attract the selected target audience as they aspire towards the vibrant lifestyle that this could be seen to convey; also the use of black and white colours emphasises that he is also a serious and legitimate dance artist, this would attract more listeners as they appreciate this professionalism. The use of bright colours contrasted against the black and white font makes the advert again successful as it further portrays the artist as being outgoing and fun; the young audience would notice this and want to buy his album in order to experience his light hearted and happy music. 

Much like the use of colours and cinematography, the design and layout of the advert is again used in order to develop and idea of the artists personality. The layout of the advert is created so that there is a collage of pictures showing the artist, 'example', as having fun and playing around. The collage style is used in order to elaborate upon the diverse personality that Example has; full of fun, vibrancy and a outgoing attitude. This presentation would appeal to the younger target audience of the dance genre as they are generally seen to be outgoing when attending clubs, bars, parties and socialising with friends. This use of design also meets the conventions of the genre as the outgoing presentation of the artist matches the outgoing themes seen within dance music. This outgoing and light hearted theme would certainly make the advert successful, helping them to sell more albums as it shows the artists diverse, fun personality to be original and random; making him stand out from other artists as he relates to outgoing teenagers wanting to enjoy themselves in ether younger years. 

Typography/Style of language 
Finally, Example is also seen to utilise his style of language and typography in order to appeal to an audience and meet dance conventions. He is seen to maintain his outgoing and exciting image specifically through the use of language. This is clearly evident through phrases such as 'won't go quietly' and 'kickstarts'. This shows reckless behaviour and a slight disregard for social formalities. It develops the idea of his music and personality combining to create a loud and exciting environment, again promoting the idea of a party atmosphere. This is highly conventional to the dance genre as the music revolves around the idea of a 'party lifestyle', involving exciting and reckless behaviour. Also, the phrases will vastly appeal to teenage subcultures as they are often seen to disregard social formalities in order to conform to the party lifestyle of which they aspire towards. The use of reckless connotations seen through the adverts use of language furthermore demonstrates its success as it would evidently help him sell records by distinctly appealing to the behaviour of teenagers when they go to concerts or festivals; the audience may want to buy his album in order to relive these memories.

Basement Jaxx 'Rooty'

Artist Representation

Within this advert, basement jaxx is aimed to present themselves as being an artist that is able to stand out due to the fact that they are unconventional to society, yet they also aim to show the audience that they are significantly conventional to the dance genre with lively, vibrant themes that are evidently developed. These themes and presentation is clearly emphasise through the use of cinematography. The image that dominates the advert is seen to be a random yet humorous image of a buffoon eating a plant in what looks to be space. Buffoons could be said to be well known across Britain through the light hearted insult that refers to someone being boisterous or funny. This colloquial term is used here in order to develop a presentation of the artist. Basement Jaxx aims to use the buffoon here in order to create a representation of them being fun and 'boisterous'. This presentation is conventional to the dance genre as it often relates to random, fun and vibrant things during the music videos. Also the boisterous attitude corresponds to the outgoing behaviour often focused upon throughout the dance music. Also, this image and presentation may appeal to the target audience as they often relate to light hearted humour and fun. Ways in which this artist presentation is successful is that it would sell records by grabbing the audiences attention through its outgoing and random connotations; audiences may feel like they want to look further into the reasoning behind such random art work. 

The colours used within this advert are evidently used in order to make the video stand out whilst also connoting a presentation of vibrancy and excitement within their music. This is achieved through the use of bright colours such as pink and green contrasting with the dark night time skyline in the background. The contrast of colours between the background may present the artist as being unconventional from society, making them seem different to other artists. Also, the brighter colours may again build upon the connotation od vibrancy and excitement which can be evident within their music. The fact that the artists are shown to be both exciting and original may appeal to the younger target audience of the dance genre as they are at a stage in which they experiment with many things such as music. Also, the colours and the vibrancy that is promoted is highly conventional to the dance genre as the music generally promotes this vibrant behaviour within a party atmosphere. This use of bright pink colours makes the advert successful as it again helps the advert stand out; people would notice the bright colours when scrolling through a website or looking on a shelf. The bright colours also make it a distinctly dance related album, this should boost sales towards dance music fans. 

One area of the advert that hasn't been mentioned which could be included within the use of design/layout is the effect added on the side of the advert. This consists of a pink splash that could be seen as paint thrown over a portion of the page. Although having little significance upon the presentation of the advert, this also contributes to the representation of the artist being fun, vibrant and exciting. The paint may connote their creativity within their work and the way it is seen to be splashed across the page could develop the idea that the artists are reckless and lively. This will again conform to the genres conventions as the music revolves around this vibrancy and excitement; plus it would certainly appeal to the target audience as the younger age groups may aspire towards this fun and reckless behaviour. The pink splash of paint added to the advert could potentially add to the success of the advert due to its totally random connotations; it shows the artist to be different and subverted to other music artists; an audience may feel intrigued into why his presentation is so deranged and unique; this therefore may boost sales as fans aim to try a more unconventional artist. 

Typography/Style of language
Finally, typography is evidently used within the title of the advert when maintaining the presentation of an outgoing and vibrant artist. The title, 'Basement Jaxx', is written in bold across the top of the advert in a green and pink futuristic, electronic font. The green and pink colours alongside the boldness of the font are again used in order to develop upon the artists presentation of vibrancy and excitement. As stated this appeals to the younger target audience as they tend to share this outgoing behaviour. Also, the electronic style font is highly conventional to the dance music genre; dance music is generally electronic and this font complies to this feature showing basement jaxx to be a typical, conventional dance artist. The use of this futuristic, electric font adds to the success of the marketing strategy as it shows the artists music to be conventional dance music with the bold electronic, neon coloured font being signature to the genre; this would appeal to dance fans as they aim to listen to new artists. Also, the futuristic element of the font shows the music to have something different and unique; this could boost sales as buyers want to discover what this originality is.

To conclude, it is evident that this research will prove to be highly beneficial to me, especially in the planning of my magazine advert for my selected artist; 'shift k3y'. The main aspect of the research that I will incorporate into my own work is the methods in which the adverts present the artist and the artists image. Colours were very influential in this representation with brighter colours connoting more vibrant personalities, linking towards the lively themes within the dance genre conventions. Also, cinematography and the images used in the advert is seen to have a large influence upon this. In each advert the artists are seen to show images that connote to a fun, playful lifestyle. This portrays their personalities in a way that appeals greatly to the younger target audience of the dance genre who aim to live a more joyful, laid back lifestyle. Ultimately, it is clear from the research that artist presentation and artist/audience relation is key within the development of a magazine advert. The use of cinematography, colours and connotations mentioned will be incorporated into our magazine advert in order to achieve this successful artist presentation in coherence with dance conventions to appeal to the selected target audience. To be more specific, we will use a close up of the artist, an inspiration taken from Example, to convey his party lifestyle through connotations from bright colours, also taken as inspiration from 'basement jaxx'. 

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a somewhat sound analysis of your two music adverts, explaining what some of the connotations are of the elements used within each. You have made some interesting points, and related these back to generic conventions, however, you need to make sure you cover all bullet points for each advert.

    You need to:
    1) Cover ALL bullet points for each advert (typography, design and layout, language etc,)
    2) Explain how each advert is successful (or not) in terms of promoting the album and artist
    3) Elaborate on your summary by explaining how and why this research was beneficial, as well as mentioning any inspirations you will take on board and include within your own magazine advert (give examples)
