Friday 13 November 2015

Film Schedule - miss georgiou

Film Schedule 

A filming schedule is vital in the production for our music video. This allows us to set out a detailed plan in relation to the different shots within the video. It allows us to plan the iconography needed, the locations, the timing, the costume, the equipment and the characters needed for each section of filming. Overall this vastly benefits the organisation and the efficiency for the filming; meaning that we can easily prepare for our filming whilst also having a valid idea into why each mice element is effective throughout the video. 

In conclusion, there were numerous changes made to our filming schedule throughout the production of our music video. For example; the entrance to the building in the office secene was discarded due to the large amounts of security in the building, the coffee scene was also discarded due to its lack of relevance to the genre, the date scene was missed out due to its lack of pace in relation to the music and numerous close ups were added throughout the progression of the filming in order to portray the artists impressive materialism and add to the variety of shots within montages in the video. The specific close ups added consists of shots of whisky, drinks at a club and parts of the artists impressive car. We also added long shots of London scenery in order to elaborate upon urban themes and the urban nightlife. After the production process, the importance of the filming schedule became clear to me. It evidently clarifies the order to the filming itself whilst also showing the details needed within each shot allowing us to carefully consider all of the micro elements. It can also be said that the filming schedule benefitted my development as a producer by setting out the vast majority of shots and techniques that were needed for the video itself. This variety shows my creativity as I have used such specified micro elements throughout in order to effectively convey elements of the narrative and conventional aspects of the genre towards the target audience. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of what the purpose of a filming schedule is. The table that you have included, shows evidence of planning, but you need to ensure that you have included details of times and dates that you are filming.

    Within your conclusion, you need to explain what you have learnt to do and how this schedule, assisted you with creating your product.
