Sunday 18 October 2015

Planning setting - Miss Georgiou

Location and setting is a vital element for the production of a music video; it sets out the conventions and concepts that help develop the video itself. It is key when creating a presentation for the artists; certain settings can present artists in different ways. For example a work setting may show the artist as being ordinary and relatable for the audience, whereas a club setting may show them as being vibrant and exciting. Therefore showing them as being someone who the audience can aspire towards. Additionally to this, setting may help the artist appeal to the target audience by selecting them to be both desirable or relatable. 


The Gherkin 

The Gherkin will be chosen as our main setting; this is where the artist is shown to work and where he debates over whether to stay with his girlfriend or not. This setting has been carefully chosen due to numerous reasons. One being that it is a very relatable office setting; the younger audience can relate to this as the majority of them are beginning to start work life and may be able to relate to the character who is seen casually in his work environment. Also due to the extravagancy of the gherkin, the large views and the impressive location in the centre of London; the artist is presented as being furthermore successful with a very high status . This may again appeal to the younger audience as they can aspire towards this success as they aim to be successful themselves. There are some minor limitations to the setting as we may not be able to access all areas of the building, meaning we might not be able to take shots with perfect skyline views; however this is a small drawback as the meeting room we have selected should be perfect. There are also no health and safety risks. However the one drawback of the Gherkin setting is that it has to be clear weather in order utilise the view of London as the about to enter the night life. This is again due to the fact that.

Club Setting

This will be taken in a conventional night club in central London. This setting has be chosen simply in order to meet the conventions of the dance genre. Dance music is often based around these clubs and parties. The club setting portrays a party atmosphere that revolves around the dance genre and is evidently seen to appeal to the selected target audience; teenagers and young adults are seen to aspire towards this party lifestyle as they are the age groups seen within this selected setting. The setting is used to show the artists vibrant and exciting party lifestyle in contrast to the comfortable life he may lead with his girlfriend. It is used to show him potentially trying to get over his girlfriend and enjoy his lifestyle. Although being a clear way of showing the conventional party lifestyle of the artist, the club setting also offers some limitations to the filming. Within the club it may be hard to get the focus needed due to the faced paced atmosphere and poor lighting, also the general public may be seen to interfere with the filming, making it hard to create a film based upon the artist. A health and safety issue may consist of the camera getting knocked in the tight space, with the danger of intoxicated pedestrians interfering with the video. Finally, there will be no issues with weather due to the filming being at night and inside.

The kiss setting, outside girlfriends house, in artists car

This scene will be shot outside an average suburban house on the outskirts of London; however the car will be seen to be impressive and expensive as it belongs to the artist. The use of an expensive car is done to again present the artist as being of a successful high status; it again appeals to the teenage/younger adult age group as they aspire towards this success. This is, however, juxtaposed with the use of the female characters mediocre, suburban house. It shows the female character as being someone of whom the audience can relate to. Specifically, the contrast in presentation allows the female audience to aspire towards being the female character who is in love with a successful young man. Within this scene the artist is seen to kiss to the girl goodnight. It is one of the flashback scenes as the artist thinks about the girl.This develops upon the plot as he chooses between the girl and his party lifestyle. It again engages the audience as they become involved in this decision; furthermore appealing to the female audience as they enjoy the love interest narrative. There are very little limitations and health risks for this selected setting however there may be problems with traffic and pedestrians on a public street; also with low angle shots we will have to be careful with the control of the cars movements. The weather will not be a problem, however it must be at night in order to show the end of the date.

Restaurant in London

This scene will show the artist and his girlfriend on a date at a restaurant in London. The restaurant will be selected so that it is impressive and located in central London , with a table near a window isolated from everyone else . Firstly, this location is selected in order to again present the artist as being successful, confident, good with woman and of a high status in central London. This again allows the audience to aspire towards his lifestyle and success. Also the setting and the isolated table develops romantic connotations. Although this is unconventional to the genre, the setting may appeal to the female audience as they are seen to enjoy a plot based upon a love interest and may aspire to be treated like the female character in the video. The action within the scene will show the two characters laughing and talking. Although no health and safety risks, there may be limitations within this filming as the general public could intervene with the shots, plus the owner or manager may refuse to let us film in which case we may have to fabricate some parts.

Walk in the Park/Central London

This is again another flashback showing the artist and his girlfriend on a date with happy memories. The filming will be done in famous streets around London and a selected park. The scene will show the artist to be taking the girl around the streets of London, buying her expensive gifts and showing her the best places. This narrative is developed in order to maintain the presentation of the artist being successful and of a high status, plus showing him to be good with women. This will appeal to the male audience as they may aspire to be like him at such a young age. Much like the other flashbacks it will also appeal to the female part of the target audience as they again show interest in the romantic themes. Additionally, the public may again interfere with the video which could be an issue and the weather must be clear for the filming. Also, health and safety risks may occur due to the icy weather and the potential to slip whilst filming. 

The locations stated are not seen to correspond with the lyrics of the song itself. This is done in order to develop upon a narrative alongside the song itself. The narrative consists of the artist debating over whether to stay with his girlfriend or live a more vibrant party lifestyle in clubs and bars with his friends. The use of club settings support his decision to live a party lifestyle, where as the date settings; consisting of a park, a restaurant and a car, contradict with this by showing the enjoyable memories he has had with his girlfriend. Although the use of a narrative is highly unconventional to the dance genre; we have emphasised our use of narrative in order to build upon conventions. Our narrative builds upon a party lifestyle that is a vital element of dance music. It is a theme that is often focused upon as it appeals to the younger target audience who often aspire to live this lifestyle that as presented. 


  1. This post demonstrates some planning techniques of the different settings that you would like to include within your music video. You have identified various elements that you would like to include, however, you need to explore the role of dance conventions in more detail, to demonstrate further understanding of why you have decided to include certain locations.

    1) Explore the health and safety requirement for every location and consider ways to prevent the risks
    2) Relate points back to the lyrics of your song, to demonstrate further planning techniques of why certain locations have been selected
    3) Include still images, to demonstrate your understanding of what you visualise the locations to look like
    4) Relate points back to the target audience and consider the relationship that will be created

  2. This post now demonstrates proficient planning techniques and this is because you have explored your reasons for selecting certain points. Although you have explored your reasons for not being able to relate to the lyrics, you need to discuss this further, by explaining how you will develop the dance genre, by going against this.
