Wednesday 28 October 2015

Planning editing - Miss Georgiou

Planning Editing

The use of editing and the variety of editing styles that a video consists of is vital to the music video itself. Much like other micro elements it can have a very large influence upon the presentation of the song and the themes and narrative within. For example, within the dance genre of which my song 'I know' by Shift Key belongs to, editing can be used to increase the tempo of the song and develop connotations which link towards the conventions of the dance genre. Also, the editing used can also have an effect on the presentation of the narrative within the video by clarifying events and sections within the song; such as the flashbacks seen in the narrative within our video.

One form of editing that the group and I have decided to use is fast paced editing. This is produced through the editing software as we increase the pace of the video alongside the song itself. This is simply done in order to match the pace of the music, especially within the chorus scene; although the use of fast paced editing will be evident throughout the video. The fast paced editing will be used in purpose of complying to the dance genre conventions. The increase in pace for the video corresponds to the fast paced music and the fast paced party lifestyle concept that the music is often based upon. Also, the form of editing is used to represent the artists personality in a way that appeals to the target audience. The artist is shown to have a fast paced lifestyle full of excitement, girls, success and clubs; this appeals to the target audience of the dance genre as the teenage/younger adult age groups may aspire towards him. Finally, although not matching the lyrics, the pace of the video matches the pace of the song itself; it shows the video to follow good wins theory making it far more aesthetically pleasing towards the audience. 

Another form of editing the we are planning to utilise is strobe/neon lighting. This can again be produced through the use of filters and effects seen on the editing software. This is done to represent the flashing neon lighting seen in a club setting. This is highly conventional to the dance genre; the music that the genre consists of includes music that is often played within the club setting. It portrays the same party atmosphere that a club aims to produce and that our use of strobe lighting will aim to convey. The editing will specifically be seen in the main scene as the artist sits in his office thinking about the night life he could enjoy without his demanding girlfriend. It is used in this scene in order to juxtapose the simple and relatable work setting with the vibrant atmosphere in the club setting in order to emphasise the party lifestyle he could potentially have. It is furthermore used to present the artists lifestyle in a way that the audience can aspire towards as he is seen to mix both his hard work life and his exciting lifestyle; young adults within the target audience may always aim to balance their social life and work life. The connotations of a club also links towards the narrative and the lyrics; as the lyrics state 'but I'm not that guy and I'm not that type', the video shows how he is not the type of person to live a comfortable life with his girlfriend and that he instead wants to go out to clubs or bars with his friends. 

Jump cuts will also be incorporated into the video. This will be utilised through the cutting tool on the editing software that will allow quick successions of shots for each scene. The jump cuts are used in order to again increase the tempo of the video through the use of a montage alongside the fast paced choppy music. It is also used to help the narrative of the video flow alongside the song itself. Much like the use of fast paced editing this is also conventional to the genre as it matches the fast paced music and the fast paced party lifestyle, shown within various montages, that the music often revolves around. The jump cuts will also be used in order to switch between the date scenes with the artist and his girlfriend and the club settings with the artist and his friends. It juxtaposes the artists two lifestyles in order to elaborate upon the narrative and the decision he has to make. It again presents the artists lifestyle as being rich and vibrant as it shows him enjoying himself in extravagant bar and club settings. The use of jump cuts between the date scene and the club scenes again matches the narrative of the video and the lyrics within the song by showing the artist as being much happier in a club setting opposed to dates with his girlfriend. This further elaborates upon the fact that he is 'not the type' to stay in a comfortable relationship. 

Finally, the group an I have decided upon adding colour tinting throughout the video. This will be applied through the editing software and filters in order to develop tints to the shots throughout; the tints will consists of brighter colours such as green, blue or orange. This is also very conventional to the dance genre; the bright colours are used to represent the lighting with a club setting and connote the exciting and vibrant atmosphere that builds up within the dance music. The colour tints will be added throughout the video, however, they will be specifically seen in the main office setting. This again is used to further juxtapose the artists work life with his vibrant lifestyle outside work; it relates his professional success to his party lifestyle therefore appealing to the younger target audience of who are seen to aspire towards his materialistic high status. Finally, this further elaborates upon the main lyric in the song being 'not that type' with the artist shown to be closely connected to the vibrant party lifestyle opposed to the comfortable lifestyle with his girlfriend.  


  1. This post demonstrates some planning techniques, of the various editing styles that you would like to include within your production. You have included a variety of points and have explained where they will be evidenced, but you need to relate back to your lyrics, to demonstrate your reasons for including certain styles.

    1) Discuss the ways in which your artist can build a relationship with your target audience in more detail throughout.
    2) Relate your points back to your lyrics to demonstrate further planning techniques
    3) Discuss the ways in which dance conventions are demonstrated
    4) Include images to support your points

  2. This post now demonstrates proficient planning techniques of the various editing styles that you would like to include. You have referenced the conventions of dance, but further discussion of where it will be evident is needed, to extend your analysis further.
