Monday 19 October 2015

Planning Artist image - Miss Georgiou

The artists image could be argued as being the most vital factor in the production of a music video. It is what the video is based upon as we try to sell the artist and his music to his selected target audience. The presentation of the artist is often conveyed through a variety of micro elements, this may consist of; hair, make up, positioning, costume or even iconography, setting and cinematography. Overall an artist is usually presented as being either conventional or unconventional to their music genre whilst also presenting themselves ins specific way that will appeal to a target audience.

Our artist, shift K3Y, will be presented as being a conventional dance artist whilst aiming to appeal to his target audience of 15-25 year olds; this is the conventional target audience for the genre. We will develop the attraction from the target audience by presenting the artist as being a successful, influential young adult of a high status of which young adults in the audience can aspire towards. We will show him as living a full party lifestyle which the majority of the younger audience will further aspire towards, whilst also presenting him as being sensitive and comfortable with women in a hope to appeal to the female audience who enjoy a love interest. This presentation will be developed through the use of a narrative style video throughout; the narrative shows the artist to be deciding between his successful vibrant lifestyle or a quiet comfortable life with his girlfriend. This narrative both develops yet challenges conventions; the use of a narrative is unconventional to the dance genre, however, the narrative elaborates upon the artists party lifestyle of which dance music is often seen to revolve around.

One way in which this presentation will be achieved throughout the video is through the use of , this use of setting can also be seen to relate to the lyrics as it shows him thinking about what his girlfriend wants and the lifestyle that he wants to lead, showing him to 'know' what she wants but him but also emphasising the fact that he is 'not that guy' by showing his success and lavish lifestyle. It can be further argued that, by showcasing the lyrics of the song, the shot is supporting the narrative style of the video by elaborating upon the artists success and party lifestyle in contrast to the life with his girlfriend. Further conventions are met through the settings with urban connotations, the dance genre often includes urban setting with the music mostly being played in urban clubs and bars.
setting. The majority of settings will be seen as being extravagant and impressive; examples of this may consist of the use of the Gherkin office scene,  the expensive restaurant scene and use of famous London shopping streets. This all presents the artist as being successful and wealthy at a young age so this is unconventional to the dance genre, however very relevant when trying to appeal to the target audience. Teenagers and younger adults are at a stage of just starting to begin their working life, seeing the artist presented as being so successful may influence the audience into wanting to aspire to be like him. Also

Another way we will develop upon this representation of success and high social status is through the use of iconography. The artist will be seen wearing and using expensive items such as watches, expensive mobile phones and jewellery, which will be shown through a number of close-ups. Much like the use of setting, this will again promote materialism presenting the artist as being successful and of a high status. Again this will appeal to the selected target audience as they can aspire towards his status. It further elaborates upon the narrative and the fact that his success and high status is too much for his girlfriend. This again supports the statement 'I'm not that girl' in the lyrics whilst also showing further evidence of the narrative style. His success may be seen to have little reference to the  dance genre, however it would further appeal to the young adults within the target audience as they aspire towards his professionalism, success and materialistic status. 

Clothing will also be used in order to develop upon this specific artist's representation. For a large majority of the video the artist will be seen as being well-dressed through the use of various designer suits and smart shoes. This presents the artist as being professional, smart and of a high status. Again emphasising his success and maintaining his impressive stature. Therefore the target audience of young adults is furthermore addressed as we appeal to their aspirations of success and growth within their individual work environment. Additionally, in later clips this professional presentation will be juxtaposed with the presentation of the artist's vibrant attitude towards club life and a party atmosphere. This will be conveyed through the use of more relaxed, laid back clothing. The party lifestyle is conventional to the genre, showing the vibrant emotions that dance artists often aim to convey. Also, the contrast in presentations between his professionalism and social life complies to the lyrics of the song as it shows him not to have time for a relationship. 

Finally, in contrast to the presentation of professionalism and success, we will also aim to present the artist as being vibrant and comfortable within the party atmosphere. This will be seen through the numerous micro elements that run throughout both scenes from clubs and bars. Examples of this consists of happy and animated facial expressions; various close-ups of the different aspects of a club such as shots or DJ equipment and the use of montages showing the fast paced atmosphere within the club. This all develops an image of the artist's vibrant party lifestyle. This is highly conventional to the dance genre as it is what the music revolves around with songs being played in many bars and clubs. Overall this conventional presentation of a dance artist should vastly appeal to the younger target audience, as they are of the age group that are seen enjoying these setting more than any other. This therefore means they can both relate and aspire towards the artist's party lifestyle. Also, ways in which this further relates to the lyrics is seen again through the repeated statement, 'I'm not that guy', this shows the artist to be too attached to a vibrant diverse party lifestyle to have time for a relationship. It further supports the narrative within the video as we see him make his decision to leave his girlfriend 


  1. This post demonstrates some planning techniques of your artist and how you would like to represent him in your music video. You have considered some of the styles that you would like your artist to wear, which supports some the planning points that you have included on the representation. However, you need to be more specific about the styles of clothing that you have selected.

    1) Relate points back to the dance conventions
    2) Relate points back to your lyrics/style of the music video
    3) Include images to support the points that you have made

  2. This post now demonstrates some good planning techniques, as it is clear to see the representation that you intend to include and how it emulates the dance genre.,
