Music Video Diversity
Creating a diverse music video can have both negative and positive effects upon an artist. One evident positive effect is that it allows a song or video to stand out from other music. This creates publicity for artists and allows them to gain recognition. This may have positive effects as often music fans prefer originality from artists, showing their personality. Also, the extra publicity would mean that more people would watch the video, meaning that more people may want to listen to the artists music and buy records. In contrast to this, diversity within music videos may also have a negative effect upon an artist. The media and public may find videos hard to understand, this could result in confusion for viewers as they lose interest in the music. Also, fans for a certain artist might enjoy their music videos; by changing the video and adding diversity, artists could lose their original fan base.
What makes a video diverse or unique?
Various directors aim to make their videos unique or diverse in order to make in stand out and become memorable to an audience. This is mainly achieved through deifying the conventions of both society and the genre itself. Directors may distort conventions of music videos and the genre of the specific music through mixing or ignoring various music video styles and altering the Goodwin's theory. They are also often seen to focus on deranged or weird concepts; they can vary from being humorous or having more darker themes. Two directors who are generally seen to produce diverse, unconventional video consists of both Chris Cunningham and Michel Gondry.
Chris Cunningham
Chris Cunningham is a renowned music video director who is specifically known for creating deranged and unconventional videos that stand out from other videos becoming memorable and interesting. He has worked with various genres and artists such as Madonna, Apex Twin, Bjork and other works made for The horrors. However, two specific videos that clearly show two separate genres of which he has worked on consist of 'Window Licker' by Aphex Twin and the well known song 'Frozen' by Madonna.
Aphex Twin - Come to Daddy
- The diversity makes it highly memorable.
- The individuality promotes the artist as being unique and different which often appeals to a niche target audience
- The use of the artists face throughout will keep them in the audiences mind, this may increase awareness for the artist
The disadvantages of this music video consist of:
- Giving the artist a negative reputation through a disturbing concept and narrative
- Losing fans for house/electro music due to the music video not matching the stereotypes for the genre.
- It may offend the audience with the disturbing images and the use of explicit lyrics.
Madonna - Frozen
Madonna is often seen to produce music that belongs to the pop genre; this song in particular was made to blend dance and pop genres. The video itself, created by Chris Cunningham, is evidently unconventional to these genres. The pop genre mainly aims to convey positive, happy emotions with a vast amount of dancing and pace to the videos. This video is made to be totally against these conventions; it includes a lack of movement from the artist with a lack of pace in the video. This builds upon a sense of isolation, creating a deeper meaning to the song; it may mean that the audience has to think about the themes and concepts within the video.The music video portrays a sense of isolation which is strange for Madonna as she is often seen with an extensive amount of back up dances or interesting scenery in her videos. Also, usually her videos consist of bright colours to tie in with the upbeat pop genre, however this contradicts with this as the colours and lighting are dark and dull in order to match the low beat, deep music. This all gives clear evidence of Madonna attempting to reinvent herself during through the video as she goes against all her usual conventions. Reasons as to why Madonna chose to reinvent herself through this song could be to gain a wider, more varied target audience, to change her genre of music giving evidence of her talents and to publicity and awareness for her music. The change of conventions could be seen to get the audience talking and through word of mouth publicity, Madonna herself can gain more attention and increase popularity.
- new genre and concepts create a wider target audience, gaining a larger fan base
- publicity through controversial press
- she is able to portray her emotions and a deeper meaning to her music
- could gain too much bad press
- loss of fans who may prefer her old image
- the reformed genre may only have a small audience
Michel Gondry
Michel Gondry is another diverse and unconventional music director who has worked with popular artists such Kylie Minogue and The White Stripes who both created obscure and unusual music videos. The music videos are made to be diverse which makes them memorable ; this is often achieved through Gondry by the use of repetition of the artists/characters within the videos. Gondry's success was achieved by the use of mise-en-scene in his videos. The other micro elements he incorporated into his videos are also very unique, and helped to attract and engage the viewers.Kylie Minogue - Come into my World
- Artist becomes memorable through the use of cloning
- Makes Kylie different to other artists from the same genre due to her being presented as being normal and relatable.
- The relatable plot appeals to a wider target audience - globalisation.
- She reinvents herself, again helping her appeal to a more varied audience and showing her versatility.
- Negative publicity due to her showing what could be considered as a 'fake' lifestyle and personality
- Could lose existing target audience due to large change to styles of the video.
The White Stripes - Hardest button to button
- relatable for the a wider, mainstream audience.
- Unusual - may attract people outside of the rock genre.
- Could attract publicity for its light hearted connotations
- may lose fans from the rock genre
- Won't appeal to a wide variety of the rock audience.
- The use of repetition may be boring for the audience.
- Hard to build a relationship with the audience with a lack of narrative
There is an evident contrast between Chris Cunningham's use of diversity and Michel Gonry's. Chris Cunningham is seen to develop upon unusual concepts through multiple connotations; this created a deeper meaning to the music that may be seen to contradict conventional aspects of various genres whilst also engaging audiences. Michel Gonry, however, uses original editing techniques to develop yet challenge conventions of various genres in order to create a comical and relatable artist presentation; this light hearted presentation could help artist appeal to mainstream audiences.
To conclude, the music industry nowadays is a very hard
industry to build reputation in and stand out from the large amount of artists
within it. Therefore, an artist may feel the need to create a diverse music
video in order to be memorable and gain fans. Gondry's idea would be less
suitable for my potential genre due to the use of repetition because as an
artist within the house/dance genre the music is already repetitive and you
wouldn't want to bore the audience, you would want to be creative and vary the
plot. A lack of audience means a lack of profit and publicity. As well as this,
Cunningham’s style would also be unsuitable for my genre due to the use of explicit
scenes and narrative used within the music videos he directs. The house/pop
genre often has a large widespread, mainstream target audience and may lose
viewings with an explicit video.